
Memorial Geocaching:

A Tool to Help You Fill an Empty Space in Your Heart.©

Links to other websites related to geocaching and bereavement.

Please help us by suggesting links that you believe would be of benefit. Thank you!

Having a link listed here does not imply the endorsement of the linked-to organization.

Geocaching links:

The single most important geocaching website is WWW.Geocaching.Com.
You will need to create a free account for geocaching.
You will not receive spam or other unwanted email!
Go visit WWW.Geocaching.Com now!
There are several geocaching-related places on social media, including Facebook:
WWW.Facebook.Com/Geocaching The official Facebook Page of Geocaching Headquarters.
You might be a Geocacher if ... is a Facebook group with a good sense of humor.
The name Geocaching Beware of Muggles may require some explanation: To a geocacher, a muggle is a non-geocacher. Especially one who interferes with caches.
Find a GeoCacher on Facebook is a nice idea for finding fellow geocachers.
You'll see many different cache containers at Geocachers Unite.
I am a Geocacher is a community Page.
Of course, searching Facebook for "geocache", "geocacher", and "geocaching" will find lots of other Facebook Pages, too.
Instagram is the go-to website for photos:
WWW.Instagram.Com/Geocaching is the official Instagram Geocaching Page.
AwesomeGeocaching.Com/ lists several different kinds of geocaching information.
The Awesome Geocaching Dictionary/ offers a small dictionary of terms.
You can use the hashtag #geocaching on nearly any social media website or search engine!
Try using @geocaching, too.

Bereavement links:

For parents who have had a child die, at any age and from any cause, grief seems endless.
These two organizations can provide help and support to both parents and siblings alike.
You can look for resources for bereaved people with search engines, too.
One such list of resource organizations for bereaved people is WWW.After-Death.Com/Pages/Resources/Organizations.aspx.